Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bad Classroom Management

Bad classroom management is a phase in which a teacher should avoid. This directly implies that you are unsuccessful as a teacher. In a way or another, instructors would often conclude that they are incompetent. After all class management is a skill that can not be taught, and digested even in your four years college stay. It is watered by several years of experience. 

Even experienced teachers are still experiencing poor classroom management. For one, there is no universal standard in the said procedure. You can not use a single method and apply it to all of your classes. Much more, it is also a trial and error process, thus finding the right tool may take awhile and may need to be tested at first. 

Perhaps the question that every teacher needs to answer is how we actually identify that our classroom method is not effective? Is there such a thing as a bad classroom management? What are its signs? Here are the things we need to note and observe. 

Sign # 1: Uncontained noise. This is the first symptom of a poor classroom management. Silence must be the first priority of any teacher to achieve order. But if you can not implement it, and you can not get your students to settle down, it is a clear indication that your management skill is ineffective. Students have the right to speak only during breaks, or if given the privilege. But if you have a lecture and students are still talking, your management may be wrong. It’s but timely to change and improve.

Sign # 2: Disrespecting students. The thing that draws between students and teacher is that sheer line of respect. With such a value, the classroom will be harmonious and students will cooperate. But without it, chaos and squabbling will surely arise. If you head the class and you discover that one of your students are no longer following you, or perhaps challenging your position, it is a clear indication of a bad classroom management. You must find a way or ways on how to gain his or her respect back, and how to put them in the place where they belong. 

Sign # 3: Disorganization in the classroom. This sign covers everything in class. An instance of which is a teacher’s lecture flow. If you think you are jumping from one topic to another without any direction, this is a clear symptom. Another one is the cleanliness and tidiness of the classroom. If your room is filled with clutter without your student’s concern, then they apparently have no connection to their second home. It is a must to inculcate cleanliness, even if your school has a janitor. 

The important thing here is to set your rules and regulations in the classroom and have your students memorize it by heart. As a teacher you need to ensure that these must be followed strictly. And as such you need to also be the first to implement it in your room. Teachers are not only there to teach, but also succeed in a classroom. To avoid bad classroom management, pay attention to these symptoms and take immediate action once discovered and seen.

More guide to manage classroom at




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